Saturday, February 13, 2010

French Fry Diary 92: The Official Warning

I didn’t think I would ever have to do this, but here it comes – an official warning about the French Fry Diary blog.

Reading French Fry Diary could be hazardous to those currently on diets or watching their weight.

It happened like this. I’ve been getting a lot of buzz about FFD and family members had begun to take an interest and ask questions. We finally showed the site to my wonderful mom-in-law. Her first reaction was to say the pictures of fries were making her hungry. She disappeared for a few moments, only to re-appear with a plate of Ore-Ida Easy Fries. Her Jenny Craig forgotten and her diet ruined. I felt awful.

So again...

Reading French Fry Diary could be hazardous to those currently on diets or watching their weight.

You have been warned.

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