Sunday, May 16, 2010

French Fry Diary 111: Iron Skillet

After attending the Mid-Jersey Comic Con, we decided to truck on over to the nearby Petro truckstop and have lunch at the Iron Skillet.

The place near Trenton and Bordentown was surprisingly truckstop-ish, but then again what else would you expect from a truckstop? The air was filled with a mix of coutry and western music with a bit of rockabilly added just for fun. It was hard to imagine we were still in New Jersey, let alone close to Trenton.

I was kinda weirded out by the utensils in a paper bag. No Coke, but the Pepsi is served in not just a glass but an additional small pitcher as well. Lots of ice so it’s not as good, or as bad, as you would think. There was a little bit of a wait, but the company and conversation were good.

When the fries arrived, they were served on quite literally on an iron skillet. They were shoestrings, crispy but greasy, nothing spectacular really. These were grocery store frozen fries, deep-fried. Some were quite hard, so hard I couldn’t even stab them with a fork. Hell, I could make fries this crappy at home on a bad day all by myself.

Where were the onion straws that were so good the last time I visited an Iron Skillet? I didn’t see them on the menu. They would have surely made up for these sub-par fries. Iron Skillet – great for atmosphere, and for the soda, but don’t come for the fries.

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