Tuesday, August 10, 2010

French Fry Diary 135: Lay's Tangy Carolina BBQ Potato Chips

I'm a big fan of honey barbeque sauce, and barbeque sauce in general. It's just fantastic on French fries. Recently I had the chance to sample some honey barbeque potato chips from Lay's but haven't been able to find them. While looking however, I found these - Lay's Tangy Carolina BBQ potato chips.

Now usually when it comes to the word 'tangy' it's used as an advertisement or a promise rather than an actual adjective for taste. These babies however are tangy, just like the bag says. The seasoning is very hot and very sweet, and will open up your sinuses.

The taste reminds me very much of the late lamented Rib-It restaurant chain. Their barbeque sauce was perfect for their steak fries. They are much missed, but here is a wonderful reminder, these chips will make you miss Rib-It even more, but at least you'll be able to taste a hint of their old bbq sauce. Recommended.

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