Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ore-Ida Commercial 1981

No matter what the fish is, Ore-Ida French Fries are the right companion...

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  1. trying to find a hilarious old ore ida commercial from the late 70's or 80's.

    featured a farm mom, older, ringing a dinner bell on the old family farm porch and no one coming.

    then she added ore ida potatoes and #1 son comes running in, slamming the screen door, then pops comes running in, slamming the screen door, then #2 son, a huge hulking football linebacker looking son, comes crashing THRU the screen door.

    anyone remember it, or have access to a video of it?


    1. I talked about that commercial for years. They didn't air it long. It was a 1979 hash brown commercial. I found it on YouTube. I hope this helps.

  2. I've talked about that commercial for years. They didn't air it long. I found it on YouTube. It's a 1979 hash brown commercial. https://youtu.be/1gl9Q15dU5M
