Monday, September 20, 2010

French Fry Diary 147: Herr's 1853 Kettle Chips

I was hipped to these by someone who knew I was a potato chip aficionado, but didn't try them right away. When I finally did, I was blown away, and now I can't find these great chips anywhere. Apparently they are 'limited edition.' If anyone sees Herr's 1853 Kettle Cooked Potato Chips anywhere in the South Jersey/Philadelphia are, please let me know.

I'm not usually big on kettle chips and quite honestly don't understand their recent wild popularity on the snack shelves. They are okay, but most of the time I find them too crispy and crunchy. I know, as if there could be such a thing. I just like the standard chips better.

The 1853 chips however changed my mind on that point. I loved these. They are not as crunchy as the standard kettle chips, and actually reminded me a bit of the old Wise regular chips, when they were good, back in the day. Right thickness and the right amount of salt. The bubbles rock, perfect for dipping.

The 1853 name and origin story on the back of the bag harken back to the supposed legend of the first potato chips in Saratoga Springs NY in 1853. When an annoying customer didn't like the cut of his French fried potatoes, Chef George Crum cut his thinnest ever for him - creating the first potato chips - much to that customer, and billions of future customers' delight. You can get the full story here.

Herr's is trying to recreate that experience, and in my opinion, has made a darn good chip. Other than Regular, they also come in the following great flavors: Buttermilk & Herb, Sea Salt & Cider Vinegar and Barbeque. Interesting flavors, the Barbeque has a mild smoky bite not found in Herr's standard bbq chips. Recommended, if you can find them!

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  1. Jennifer Arrigo9:41 AM


    I am the Public Relations Manager for Herr Foods Inc. The 1853 Kettle Chips are not a limited edition, they can be found in Kmart & some other stores as well. Please contact me at and I will help you find the 1853 Kettle potato chips!

  2. Anonymous9:43 AM


    The 1853 Kettle Chips made by Herr's are not a limited edition. All 4 flavors are available in Kmart and some other stores. I am the Public Relations Manager for Herr Foods. Please contact me at and I will be happy to help you find the 1853 Kettle chips in South Jersey or the Philadelphia area.

  3. Thank you, Jennifer! I was able to find these terrific chips thanks to your help!
