Monday, October 11, 2010

French Fry Diary Suggestion Box

Okay folks, here's your chance to tell me about your favorite French fries!

We're planning a trip to Walt Disney World in a couple weeks, and although this is far from our first trip, and I've done many entries on places down there to have the favorite fried food, I am looking for your suggestions.

Where is the best place in the parks for fries? Who has the best, or the worst? Is there some place I have missed in the past, or somewhere you all think I have mis-reviewed? Help me find the best fries in Walt Disney World!

And also, the same goes for my home territory in the South Jersey/Philadelphia area... who has the best, who has the worst, what is the next place you'd like to see me review? Tell me what's on your mind.

Please contact me here. Let's see what we can find!

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