Monday, November 01, 2010

French Fry Diary 161: The ABC Commissary

The ABC Commissary can be found at Disney's Hollywood Studios. It is sort of like a lunchroom, or more accurately a commissary. Yeah, the name is kinda on the nose. One of the first times I visited Disney I got sick here so it's not one of my favorite places, but it was convenient and the folks in my party were hungry, so there we were.

The French fries were the typical natural cuts with heat lamp flair found in the parks, so nothing special, but not bad either. We got to watch clips from ABC programs on overhead screens, some interesting interaction between characters of some of their new shows, but they weren't that new as "Lost" was included.

I got an ice cold Coke that was absolute heaven in the ninety degree tropical Florida October weather. I love Disney but I like the weather in New Jersey much better.

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