Wednesday, November 03, 2010

French Fry Diary 162: Flame Tree Barbeque, Animal Kingdom

Flame Tree Barbeque is a place in Disney's Animal Kingdom that I have always wanted to try, but have been kept from doing by my hatred for Disney's Animal Kingdom. Sorry, guys, do not make a park where you have to walk a mile uphill no matter where you want to go. It sucks. Disney World likes to brag about how Disneyland could fit inside their parking lot, and they say it like it's a bad thing. Um no, that's called a good park, because everything is close together. Sorry, no one's ever going to convince me Animal Kingdom has merit as a place I want to go - simply because of how big it is.

And unfortunately, Flame Tree Barbeque did not change my mind much. The French fries are the Disney standard, more regular cut than natural cut, but they are the latter. The portions are very generous but that's because it costs $3.99 and it's a basket meant for sharing. There is a delightful barbeque sauce excellent for dipping, and the baked beans can be used for the same as well. But, good luck finding the barbeque sauce as their outside seating area (and where their condiments, napkins and utensils are as well) is within a jungle labyrinth.

They also have a similar sharing basket for the onion rings. They are gigantic beer-battered onion rings. Either one of these sharing baskets could easily be a whole meal for two or three or four. Also, Flame Tree is very green, so lots of rules about where and how you eat, and no plastics, and no feeding the animals. Also, ever notice how folks seemingly have to quack when a duck walks past? Weird.

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1 comment:

  1. Heironymous11:49 AM

    Don't Dis (no pun intended) the AK or FTBBQ. Some people enjoy walking a mile uphill to get somewhere with their trough of fries (insert onion rings if your into them instead). Quack! Quack!
