Saturday, November 06, 2010

French Fry Diary 165: The Crystal Palace, Magic Kingdom

I've mentioned before how good breakfast is at Walt Disney World, and one of the pinnacles of that breakfast is the character breakfast phenomenon. While you're munching on pancakes, Mickey waffles, bacon and the favorite fried breakfast food - Disney characters (folks in costume, usually of the big furry variety) come and visit with you, sign autograph books and pose for photographs. It's fun for kids of all ages.

On our honeymoon The Bride and I pretty much hit all of the Character Breakfasts at WDW, except for one, the one at the Crystal Palace in the Magic Kingdom. It's special, and features only the Disney characters of Winnie the Pooh and other residents of the Hundred Acre Wood. Unfortunately we couldn't get reservations this time for breakfast, and ended up there for dinner.

Dinner at the Crystal Palace is much like the breakfast, same characters wandering around, and the food is served buffet style. It's not bad, maybe Old Country Buffet quality, but as always with Disney, you are paying for the experience. And this was quite an experience.

When Winnie the Pooh came to our table, that was the exact moment I had a piece of turkey go down the wrong way, and I began to choke. Seriously choking, not playing around here, I was not breathing and doing the whole holding my throat and mouthing 'can't breathe' here. Pooh just stood there, and actually started to pose for pictures and do schtick. That evil bear was just going to let me die.

I managed to get the turkey down, and drink about half a Coke to clear my airway, but Pooh was still standing there as if I had interrupted him. Just wait, Winnie, you'll get yours. Guess who's not lifting a paw next time you choke on some honey, you evil silly little bear.

The fries at the Crystal Palace aren't out in the buffet area by the way, not like the garlic mashed potatoes, which for the record, aren't bad either. If you ask for fries, they will bring you quite a large portion, probably from Casey's Corner which is right next store as they look just like theirs, Disney standards. Not a bad dinner out, but watch out for that bear. Hey, at least Tigger would have Heimliched me.

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