Thursday, November 18, 2010

French Fry Diary 172: Triton's, Disney Wonder

Day four brought us to both brunch and dinner at Triton's. For our late brunch I had the French toast, bacon and roasted red potatoes. At Triton's there were a bit better and hotter than they had been up at Beach Blanket Buffet, and in a much larger portion. Also the bacon was reasonably cooked, not crunchy like glass as it has been most mornings up there. I guess it is a matter of where you go.

For our last dinner on board the Disney Wonder I had the best meal of our cruise. French bread as an appetizer, aged Angus beef tenderloins, bacon (yes, bacon!) wrapped green beans and side order of French fries - because it's a French restaurant after all.

These larger than usual regular cuts were the exact same delicious and nearly perfect fries from our first aboard ship at Animator's Palate. Dessert was an old-fashioned ice cream sundae. This definitely made up for last night. Not just the best meal on the cruise, but the best meal - not to mention service, Stafford and Myriam were first class - I've had in a long time.

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  1. Heironymous4:38 PM

    Ok, I was kind of following the train of thought here until you came to this conclusion:

    "French fries - because it's a French restaurant after all."

    Triton (on his Little Mermaid daughter's themed boat) is the son of Poseidon and of Greek mythology. Not French.

    Now, maybe you thought you were on the Magic's counterpart restaurant, Lumiere's, which was named for a French-accented candelabra.

    Or perhaps, having consumed a few more nitites (aka bacon), you were trying to go down the "Better off Dead" dinner sequence celebrating Monique's visit to the USA. Monique was from France and Lane's mother at the dinner had made many "French" delicacies.

    Anyway, glad your final "Dîner" onboard was a "Oui, oui", rather than an "Oy Vey!"


  2. More like Better Off Dead, it was a French Dinner theme that night on the menu. Oui oui!
