Thursday, December 02, 2010

20 Potatoes a Day

Chris Voight, the Executive Director of the Washington Potato Commission is a man with a mission. Sixty days ago he sought to prove that potatoes are not the evil food everyone thinks they are, and yesterday he succeeded. Pay attention, Health Nazis.

Voight's intent was to eat twenty potatoes a day for sixty days, just potatoes, nothing else, other than a few spices and seasonings. He didn't gain weight. He didn't become a diabetic. His blood sugar didn't go through the roof. And he didn't die. It turns out, believe it or not, potatoes actually are good for you.

You can read about and follow his journey at his website here. There's a blog, videos and facts about the diet. Fun for the whole family, families who enjoy potatoes, that is.

Rock on, Chris!

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