Saturday, December 11, 2010

French Fry Diary 186: Herr's Ripple Kettle Cooked Potato Chips

I really wasn't sure what to think when I saw this on the shelf. Ripple chips are usually thick, and most times when chips are kettle cooked, they use extra thick slices. My mind boggled a bit when I saw that Herr's had a new Kettle chip - Ripple. I had to try them. I wondered how thick they might be. Would they be like Wise's delicious Cottage Fries that sadly aren't available any more? This would be a nice replacement.

When I got home and opened the bag, I was a bit disappointed. Thickness wasn't really a factor. In many ways, these chips were just the same as regular Herr's Ripple Chips. They were a bit greasier however, seemingly thinner, but cooked into the wonderful odd shapes perfect for dipping caused by the kettle process. Nice attempt, but overall, not a good chip. I much prefer the regular Herr's Ripple Potato Chips. Not impressed.

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