Tuesday, March 01, 2011

French Fry Diary 212: Lucky's Sportshouse, Wilkes-Barre PA

Here's another Somebody Else's Fries from The Bride. She travels quite a bit for her job, and sometimes she gets to chill with far away friends and family when she does. On a recent trip to Wilkes-Barre, her brother took her out to dinner at Lucky's Sportshouse.

Lucky's is your average neighborhood sports bar, with all the regular stuff - big screen TVs and better than average bar food. The Bride, having lived with me far too long, knew to get fries, and not only to eat them, but take a picture of them as well. She says these natural cut regular cuts were quite good. Maybe I'll get out there some time and find out for myself.

And hey, if you've had fries that you want to tell me about, you can be part of Somebody Else's Fries too. Just take a photo of your fries, jot down a few lines about them and send it along to me here. I'd love to feature your thoughts.

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