Tuesday, September 06, 2011

French Fry Diary 265: Royal Palace for Breakfast

For day three breakfast on board the Disney Dream I was alone. The Bride and the rest of the women of our party were at the 'princess gathering,' and the other men were smartly sleeping. I ventured into the ritzy Royal Palace for breakfast.

While there were very tempting huge breakfasts available like a pineapple French toast stack and a supposedly killer Eggs Benedict, I went off menu for ham, bacon, English muffin, and oh yeah, breakfast potatoes.

Now the grilled ham is a treat that the Disney boat always does well, and bacon is always good, in any capacity. The potatoes were much the same as the ones at Cabanas yesterday but without the onions and peppers. They did have a sharp seasoning to them though. And that's a good thing. But have a cold drink ready.

As I said I went off menu. They had those square hash browns and I didn't want those. When the roasted potatoes were brought to the table I was told they were from the Enchanted Garden so I guess that will be my next stop for breakfast.

I think this was the point in the trip where the waitstaff as a whole became wise to me. I was the guy taking pictures of potato products and taking notes on his phone as well. The next couple times I was at Cabanas, a waiter I did not know would approach me and direct me to the potato product for the meal, and tell me it was hot and tasty, try it.

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