Saturday, January 07, 2012

French Fry Diary #321: The Boxing Day Expedition

The night of Boxing Day, the day after Christmas here in the States, The Bride, her folks, and I decided to go out to dinner. No one could make up their minds as to where to go, except for me, who had an ulterior motive, so it was left up to me to decide.

I wanted to try a fairly new restaurant in Moorestown that had been recommended to me called A Battered Tartan, a good old-fashioned fish and chips shop. I wanted, you guessed it, fries - or in this case, real British chips. We figured it would be like the last time we went blindly into Moorestown with a GPS, if we couldn't find it, we could always go to Elevation Burger.

I tried calling first, but got an answering machine. We had made up a secondary plan to go to Maxx's, but it seemed that their website was down and phone disconnected, shame, I really liked that place.

We did find A Battered Tartan, but they were closed. We'll be back, as the menu has me excited. As somewhat planned, we ended up at the Moorestown Mall Elevation Burger, having their terrific (this time) natural cut shoestring fries. All in all, a good Boxing Day.

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