Thursday, January 12, 2012

French Fry Diary 323: Champps Americana 2011

I didn't want to come back to Champps in Marlton, but it was a family decision and a family lunch, so I figured I'd make the best of a bad situation and try their "world famous" waffle fries this time. 

Unfortunately, Champps Americana was not accommodating. When it came time to order, the waiter had bad news. They were out of waffle fries. What? Are you kidding? I was a little bit ticked, especially when I was giving them a second chance. I certainly wasn't going to order their inadequate steak fries. Although here's a pic of them on my nephew's plate.

I did order their Kobe Beef Sliders and split them with The Bride's brother. The menu described them with cheese and toppings on the side, and miraculously that's how they came. They were quite good too.

All in all, a good meal with good company. Much of the family was together so it was a special occasion. It's a shame about the fries though, but I guess no fries are better than disappointing fries.

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