Wednesday, February 15, 2012

French Fry Diary 337: Flippers

We have a special treat for folks this week. While I'm busy running the Virtual Book Tour for THE HUNGRY HEART STORIES by my friend author Fran Metzman, another good friend of mine, Terry Willitts will be guest blogging here at French Fry Diary this week.

Today, Terry checks out Flippers...


Flippers Wings & Burgers opened in the second half of 2011, and though I'd been meaning to check it out (several volunteers at the humane society I work at had been there several times, singing their praises) I didn't make it until New Year's Eve evening. I'd called in an order for take out - Bacon BBQ Burger, fries and side of macaroni salad.

The burger was most excellent – very thick (easily over 1/2″ thick) and the bun was definitely not your low-end burger bun. The burger was cooked well, but still was juicy enough to appeal to everyone. The fries, while certainly frozen, were cooked to perfection and salted just right (not too much, not too little), and the macaroni was a bit of a surprise – I’m used to the creamy/mayo based mac salads, this was more of a pasta salad – oil based with bits of ham in it as well – quite good, once I got past the initial surprise.

This obviously was the complete opposite experience from Burgers in Paradise and I will most assuredly be returning - I hear their ribs are very good, and I look forward to trying them out. Also, being a wings fan, I'll have to try them as well. The food came to less than nine dollars, easily worth it.

Thanks, Terry! If you'd like more of Terry online, check out his regular blog here, his daily year long journey through "Doctor Who" from the very beginning here, and his eBay page here.

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1 comment:

  1. As the owner of Burgers in Paradise I do not understand why you feel the need to again put us down. Your comparison of Flippers to Burgers in Paradise is not equal. We were not even open a month in a mall during the busy holiday season when you visited us. You reviewed Flippers after it had been open for several months, and compared it to us? I am delighted that you found Flippers an acceptable place to eat and wish them much luck! As I mentioned in my reply of your Burgers in Paradise review, we have made adjustments since opening day 3 months ago and have invited you to try us again. We are a hard working family business who has staked our livelihoods on our restaurants. It is certainly challenging enough competing against the corporate giants at our mall, so Burgers in Paradise would rather not battle against bloggers as well. We have many happy customers and hope to make one of you. Customer experience is #1 to us.
