Tuesday, March 13, 2012

French Fry Diary 350: The Pop Shop 2012

I love the Pop Shop in Collingswood NJ, but that's probably evident to regular readers and eaters here at French Fry Diary. I love the Pop Shop for their fries, their great food and service, and not just because The Bride used to babysit the owner - yeah, I went there. We go there all the time with family and friends, and that's what it's all about - just a terrific restaurant for family and friends, and food.

I haven't written about them for a while and felt it was time to remind folks, and inform new folks how really cool a place the Pop Shop Cafe & Creamery is.

Our latest visit was with The Bride, her folks and two friends from out of town. We had intended breakfast on a late Sunday morning but, as usual, the place was packed. I think at one point there were as many folks waiting as there were sitting, but it moved rather quickly. Business is good, but business is always good because the food and service are so terrific. We had a bit of a wait - Sunday mornings are always busy - but eventually we were seated, and it was so worth it. As always.

It was close to noon though after the wait. Now I had a choice to make as breakfast is always served at the Pop Shop. I could get the deviously decadent Cinnamon Bun French Toast or my usual Deluxe Burger Platter. While the former is wonderful, I decided to be good and get the burger.

The Pop Shop burgers are always terrific and the Deluxe Platter comes with the Pop Fries, great natural cuts that are perfectly crispy and hot. They come in a variety of styles (Maryland, Gravy, Whiz, Mozzarella Pizza, Louisiana, Spicy, Chili Cheese and Collingswood - mostly toppings on their already amazing fries), but I'm a purist, I like the regular fries. I hadn't had them in a bit so they were extra good.

The Bride got breakfast, and those are her home fries with cheese in the pic. Mmmm... cheese... One of our friends, Deb, on the other hand, put sour cream on hers. To each their own, I suppose.

Another great meal was had with family and friends. I have to give you one warning though, folks, Collingswood now has 24/7 parking meters. Sad to have to interrupt your meal to feed the meter, and it's a hefty price, but for the Pop Shop it is sooo worth it.

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  1. Home fries with cheese!

    Oh lawdy!

    We've been to the Pop Shop three times and every time I have been underwhelmed, but you're making me think I need to go back. The last time my pancakes were screwed up. I mean, how do you screw that up?

    But deluxe burger, home fries wit cheese, yes please.

  2. I assure you, Liz, the three times you've gone must be the exception not the norm. And no, I don't work for the Pop Shop. ;-)

    I've always had terrific service and food there. If there's a problem, let them know and I'm sure they'll fix it.

    And we local bloggers have to stick together, so next time you go, just tell them French Fry Diary sent you.
