Tuesday, March 27, 2012

French Fry Diary 356: Herr's Lattice Cut Potato Chips

My lovely Bride bought these for me, a new Herr's variety, Lattice Cut Potato Chips. They are also kettle cooked with sea salt, as well as 'all natural, as the front of the bag hype contends. From the picture, speaking of the bag, they looked like waffle cut fries, only flatter and more chippified.

When I opened the bag, I was quite surprised, and that was a good thing. The chips were much thicker and much less frail than I thought they would be. These chips are very thick, more so than a lot of Herr's chip products. These are the absolute most perfect chips for dipping. Not only that they taste great, almost to the point of being addicting. I love these!

My only problem with these is that they're from Herr's, and the last time I liked a Herr's product this much (1853), they disappeared off the face of the earth and became almost impossible to find except by mail order. I sure hope these Lattice chips last.

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