Tuesday, May 22, 2012

French Fry Diary 375: Mixto

A night out was planned with The Bride and some of her friends (and also my friends, as they were all her friends first in high school before I met her, I call them her friends). Usually we only get together at particular events in which one or most are involved in the event, there's not much downtime to just talk. This was the idea behind this get-together, just relax and chat.

Marc and Judi were there, as well as another friend who had chosen the restaurant in the city - Mixto. Now I had heard of Mixto, but living out in the suburbs I don't get into the city as much as I'd like, I had never been. Mixto is a lovely two-story restaurant in downtown Philly that brings a wonderful Latin, Cuban and Caribbean flavor to its fare. I loved the décor, but the wait, even on a Saturday night was horrendous. Good thing the food, and especially the company, was great.

I ordered the Whisky Rib Eye, which was delicious by the way, but then I asked The Question, because I did not see the favorite fried food on the menu. You know what The Question is, right? "Do you have French Fries?" They did, and they brought them with my steak.

The Mixto fries were regular cuts, likely frozen but it didn't matter because they were done well. They had a different kind of batter covering. It was apparently designed to come off, to flake off during deep-frying. This created those tasty cracklings like you find leftover in the box at Long John Silver's, but in this case, they were attached to the fries. This was surprisingly good.

We had a wonderful night out with friends, were joined by others later on, and we had dessert at More Than Ice Cream. I didn't get to try the fries there as it was dessert, remember? Next time. A terrific night all around, I can't wait to do it again. And the next time we go to Mixto, I want to try the mofongo.

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