Friday, October 12, 2012

French Fry Diary 423: An Open Letter to Smashburger

Dear Smashburger,

It's that time of year again, that time when The Bride and I plan our New Year's Eve. For the last two years we have attended a party up in the wilds of North Jersey at the home of our dear friends Jan and Rob. And for the past two years, we have had lunch on New Year's Day at Smashburger.

You can see my reviews of those two visits here and here. As you can see, I really dig Smashburger, but you guys are sooo far away. We don't get all the way up to North Jersey all that much, as a matter of fact, it's just once a year.

Have you given any thought to opening a restaurant in the South Jersey/Philadelphia area? Maybe more South Jersey than Philly, cuz that's where I am? I know there are lots of burger lovers around here who would just love to sample and continue to visit should a Smashburger location open around here. I know I would definitely eat there more than once a year. Give it some thought, and I'll see you on New Year's Day.

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