Thursday, November 01, 2012

French Fry Diary 430: The Disney Food Blog Podcast

Those of you out there who know me know that I've dabbled in podcasts in the past, and currently participate in two on video, the All Things Fun! New Comics Vidcast and the Biff Bam Popcast, notably, neither about French fries. I also enjoy listening to the podcasts of others.

One that I have been listening to lately actually does talk about French fries from time to time, that's the Disney Food Blog Podcast. It's hosted by A.J. Wolfe of the Disney Food Blog, which I've mentioned here once or twice, and Brad Johnson of WDW for Grownups, also a very cool site. Regular readers know how often I'm in Disney, so of course I'm digging the Podcast.

In episode 5, something was mentioned that I had never heard of but sounded right up my alley - Figaro Fries at Pinocchio's Village Haus in the WDW Magic Kingdom. My ears perked up until they mentioned they had been discontinued. Sigh, too late. Apparently these were natural cuts covered in lettuce, cheese, ranch dressing and tomatoes. You can check them out at the DFB here.

That was where I went after I heard about them on the Podcast. See what else is there? Isn't that cool? They did a report on the favorite fried food available elsewhere in the parks, including a few I have yet to sample myself.

And if that's not enough, in the next episode, they go into a rather lengthy discussion about poutine and Le Celier in EPCOT's Canada. I love these guys!

1 comment:

  1. Heironymous1:23 PM

    You did not miss much with these Figaro Fries. Back in the day, they were a good turn from the ordinary FF platter. But, as they kept disappearing and reappearing on the PVH menu board , they were no longer made the way they used to be or at least the way they were when I last had them and enjoyed them (2002).

    The version (I assume) that was finally given the old heave-ho were, to put it mildly, horrific . A version that only a true-blue, and quite desperate, Disney-phile could love. Which is why the PVH is currently one of my least favorite places to eat at when in WDW (MK).

    Some places do change, but not always for the better.
