Tuesday, October 29, 2013

French Fry Diary 532: Amora Moutarde

One of the things The Bride got involved in on this Disney Cruise is something involving a community of fish extender people. I know, sounds weird, but long story short, it's sort of like an onboard secret Santa - passengers give each other small gifts by hanging them on the fish ornaments outside their cabin doors. Sometimes the gifts are food, sometimes toys, and sometimes something from the giver's region of the world.

Today, we got a plastic bottle of mustard from fellow passengers who are either French or French-Canadian. There's not much on the bottle I can read short of the brand name Amora, and moutarde, which I'm relatively sure is mustard. What an interesting and generous gift.

What makes it relevant to French Fry Diary is the note they taped to back of the bottle. Their suggestion read thusly: "The Original French Mustard to eat with your meats, potatoes, hot dogs, burgers… and add a French flavor to your meals…" Now I'm not a mustard guy, but potatoes, really? Who puts mustard on potatoes?

Seriously, if anyone knows of any instances or recipes, hit me up, and maybe I'll feature it here on the blog. This is a new one on me, and I would like to learn more.


  1. I routinely put mustard and ketchup on my potatoes (french fries, mashed taters, home fries, hash browns, pan-fried taters). Sometimes I will do just mustard, but that's once in a blue moon.

    I think it depends on the type of mustard - a honey mustard or dijon mustard would go better by itself on potatoes than a regular yellow mustard. Not sure about a brown mustard. Hmm. This bears investigatifying...

  2. Heironymous1:11 PM

    At Disneyland (back in 2008), there was a cafe in the Orleans section that served pomme frites with the traditional mayo (aioli) sauce, but if you asked (politely), they would give you the Amora Dijon instead. It has a real kick....

    But, I am not sure I would ask for or use brown mustard. Blech!
