Friday, November 22, 2013

French Fry Diary 542: Howard's Crispy Fried Chicken Skins

I love my friend Marni, I really do. And I love that wherever she goes, she's looking for new and interesting snacks for me to review here on French Fry Diary, but with this entry... I'm beginning to think she's mad at me for something. Something bad.

Marni got me these ...things. Howard's Crispy Fried Chicken Skins. Yeah, folks, these are exactly what they sound like they are. And not the tasty skin you can pull off your KFC and enjoy, this is just disgusting. I thought I was going to throw up.

Howard's Snacks also makes other yummies like pork skins and popcorn. From their website: "We knows all Fried Pork Skins..." I'm just guessing all our base belong to them too.


  1. You did it! You ate them. Gross

  2. Ahem. One. For the sake of the blog, and so you all won't have to, I made the ultimate sacrifice... and ate just one... ;-)

  3. These type of snacks are so typical for Filipinos when they have drinking parties. Pork rinds too. Extremely unhealthy, but some taste so good that you know they're bad for you.

  4. That may be, Mieke, but these... these were just dreadful...

  5. lol i love these i had them and cant get enough maybe you got a bad patch?

  6. Anonymous11:40 PM

    I love these wish I can find them in a store near me but sadly there are none!

    maybe you got a bad batch?
