Friday, February 07, 2014

French Fry Diary 555: Alexia Smart Classics Crinkle Cut

Most of the grocery frozen French fries are coming out in new healthier or health-conscious versions of their products. And if you're a regular reader of the blog, you already know I'm a big fan of Alexia so I'm pleased they've jumped on the bandwagon.

Taking a tip from some potato chip brands, they have however gone with the impossibly long name of Alexia 98% Fat Free Smart Classics Roasted Crinkle Cut Fries. Whew. Sorry, out of breath typing all that. But still, it's not as long as some potato chips' names.

The first thing I noticed when looking at the bag was the picture of the fries, displaying brown-edged crinkle cuts. Sure enough, checking the ingredients, I found an old trick of fat free fries - apple juice to provide browning.

When I pulled them out of the oven, the way they had browned kinda had a freezer burn vibe, in the way they looked at least. Some of them tasted all right, most however did not. Some of the fries had cooked through, some hadn't, and they were all bland and in need of seasoning.

Healthier, but not tastier. I guess Alexia can't be on target all the time. These were a disappointment.

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