Thursday, August 07, 2014

French Fry Diary 603: Lay's Kettle Cooked Wasabi Ginger Potato Chips

After yesterday's Do Us A Flavor taste test of *gasp* Lay's Cappuccino Flavored potato chips I needed something to get rid of that awful aftertaste. I thought Lay's Kettle Cooked Wasabi Ginger Flavored Potato Chips might be a nice refresher. After all, if my friend and fellow writer Uriah Young digs them, how bad can they be, right?

Wasabi is not an unknown component in enjoyable potato accompaniments. Oh Yoko! in Cherry Hill rocks the wasabi fries, so this could be very good. It's notable that these are one of two of the four flavors that come in an extra special variation - in this case, kettle cooked. I'm not sure why that is in this case, as opposed to the other three flavors.

The image on the front of the bag had me a bit worried as the Cappuccino chips showed exactly what was going on taste wise. I had to wonder if these chips would taste like sushi. I hope not. A glance at the ingredients betrayed no fish, raw or otherwise, but did indicate a couple different kinds of wasabi seasonings, horseradish, and mystery spices. This could be good or bad.

I learned my lesson with the Cappuccino chips, I let The Bride try one first. One bite and she threw out the rest of the chip. Her words were "I like wasabi and I like ginger, but that just doesn't work." I got kinda a sour cream cream vibe with my first taste, and then a slow burn aftertaste that did not go away quickly at all. These weren't bad, and the kettle cook gave them a good crunch at least.

I think the problem is that unlike last year when I definitely would have not only have given Chicken & Waffles and Cheesy Garlic Bread second chances, I would have finished the whole bag - this year that ain't happening so far.


  1. My cool friend Joanne Costantino made this comment but my big dumb fingers deleted it on my phone:

    "I think sometimes the best potato chip is an unadulterated and simply salted potato chip. I have never craved flavored chips with the exception of Herr’s Honey BBQ chips, which are especially addictive. I am happy you and the bride are braving the unknown in these new flavored chips. I have hopes for the Cheddar Bacon and Mac, but not so much for the mango Salsa. This taste test is an adventure I’m happy to watch from the sidelines of the blogosphere."

  2. I tend to agree with you, Joanne, I love traditional potato chips (even though I'm a barbeque guy, and Herr's Honey BBQ are awesome), sometimes after trying so many exotically flavored chips, I just burn out and want a good old fashioned no frills potato chip.

    And then there's this:
