Wednesday, November 18, 2015

French Fry Diary 684: Steak Fries on the Disney Magic

I have mentioned our waitstaff from our two Disney Cruises this season before. Brendon and Andrene are the best.

At our first dinner at Animator's Palate I ordered French fries of course, and got the terrific steak fries one usually gets on board toward the beginning of the cruise. I mentioned how much I enjoyed them, but my brother-in-law went the extra mile, saying that if I got fries with every meal I'd always be happy.

This triggered what I like to call the Creme Brûlée effect. On a previous cruise, friends Dom and Cindy had raved about the Creme Brûlée dessert and their waitstaff made sure they always had it, even when they came back on a later cruise.

Because of the bro, we had steak fries every night of the cruise and when we returned two weeks later for the TCM Classic Cruise. Yeah, they are that good, and I was in French fry heaven, whether I liked it or not. Who am I kidding? I loved it.

1 comment:

  1. Heironymous1:52 PM

    Just thought I would mention that there is now a caveat attached to the "Crème Brulee Effect". On our last cruise this past August, we had a new seving team entirely. When I did not see Crème Brulee on any of the DR menus our first 2 nights, we asked what happened to it. They said it is no longer on the DR menu since it was now served a la carte via Cabanas.

    So, we told them our story of our previous cruise (2011). So, on the next rotation at dessert (Day 3),I received a Crème Brulee. I was happy. Then, on Day 4, I received 2 Crème Brulee for dessert.

    Can you guess what happened next?

    On Day 5, 3 Crème Brulee showed up at dessert. By the time our last day (#7) arrived, 5 Crème Brulee were brought to the table. I actually had to cry uncle as I was now sick of Crème Brulee.

    The next morning (disembarkation breakfast) I finally asked our head server why he kept bringing so many. He said they wanted to exceed our expectations and outperform what the prior serving team had done.

    Therefore, the moral of this story is, it was the thought that counted (as did all those calories) Burp!

    So, monkey boy, do you think you could handle that if they substituted it with a plate of steak fries?
