Friday, March 18, 2016

French Fry Diary 690: The Three Broomsticks

After a rainy frustrating morning getting lost in Universal proper, but for the most part enjoying some of Harry Potter land, or whatever it's called - Wizarding World of harry Potter - is that it? One of the reasons I'm not so thrilled with Universal is their insistence on being the anti-Disney, sometimes to the point of being downright rude.

Case in point, when I was waiting for The Bride and friend Kat to meet up for lunch. I got to The Three Broomsticks first, and had a bit of a wait, which I unfortunately had to take outside in the rain, or in the soggy entrance of the place. You can't sit and wait inside unless you buy something. When I made a joke about my Magic Band, I was sternly asked to leave. So for me, Universal = rude and no sense of humor. They really made me not want to come back, and this was quite some time before we even had lunch.

I actually had high hopes for The Three Broomsticks after Sarah Hawkins-Miduski's mention on her blog here. Those potato wedges look good, right? They weren't, at least for me this time, that is. They were supposedly seasoned, really?? They were also quite dry as if they had been under a heat lamp for some time.

After an exhausting wait outside, there was an exhausting wait inside as well. Close quarters, body odor, and a general wet dog smell due to the rain outside made this line one of the worst. Sadly, the food wasn't much better. As many folks have noted elsewhere, Harry Potter land does not have soda. The butterbeer is like drinking super-sweet liquid vomit as far as I'm concerned, so I was stuck drinking apple cider, which was a nice change of pace, and the best part of the meal.

I was not impressed by Three Broomsticks at all. As with all bad experiences, I am of course willing to give this place another shot, but would rather not as they did their best to make me feel unwelcome and unsatisfied.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:41 PM

    we always get the family feast there. And I usually step over to the bar a few times hidden in the back.
