Wednesday, June 08, 2016

French Fry Diary 704: South Jersey Farewell Tour

As some of you may or may not know, The Bride and I are moving from the wonderful South Jersey/Philadelphia area to the Sunshine State of Florida. By the end of the summer we'll no longer be New Jersey residents. Before we go I will be eating and enjoying the last of such wonderful foods as cheesesteaks and soft pretzels for instance.

I have a number of places I want to visit one last time before we go, a farewell tour if you will. Favorites like The Pub, Donkey's Place, The Pop Shop, and Chickie's & Pete's are all on the list, but I want your input. If you were leaving this area, where would you want to go one last time? Let me know!


  1. Curly's in Ocean City. Get an extra large tub so you have plenty left over to to throw in your sister's hair so she shrieks in panic and horror at the cloud of swarming seagulls that subsequently blot out the sun and turn her pretty orange sundress into...well not orange and certainly not pretty. It's like a full-on low-budget version of an Alfred Hitchcock movie! Just don't expect to be allowed to go to Jimmy Devlin's 14th birthday party on Saturday. The powers that be will not care that it's a pool party or that he just got the new Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers album...

  2. Nooo too soon :( but I'm down for Chickie's and Pete's or the Pop Shop!!
