Thursday, July 07, 2016

French Fry Diary 708: The British Chip Shop 2016

As part of my South Jersey Farewell Tour, I had to hit the British Chip Shop one last time. We went on a weeknight but they were still fairly busy, which is always nice to see they're doing well.

The last time I was here was with the South Jersey Writers for a social gathering, and if I'm being honest, the food was great but the customer service was a bit lacking. It could be why I hadn't come back in seven months. Let's hope things are better on this final trip.

To start, we got the curried cheese fries as usual, and as usual they were awesome. And as the dish was wiped clean of curry, cheese, and fries... we quite enjoyed them as usual. Hot, gooey, and delicious, and they came right out, great service. Other than them being out of the chicken Marsala, the ordering went well. I got what I always get, the chicken and chips.

The chips were as always great, but the chicken coating could have been a bit more crispy. But that's not really a problem, as the portions are large, I always bring half home and reheat it - so I can crisp it to my satisfaction. So out of one I got at least two meals. As much as I fought the urge however I did not order the deep fried Mars bar - the tastiest food on Earth and the mortal enemy of diabetes.

All in all a pretty decent meal for my last at the British Chip Shop, good times, good friends, good food.

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