Wednesday, August 31, 2011

French Fry Diary 262: Cabanas for Breakfast

Breakfast on day two of our Disney Dream trip brought us back to Cabanas. Hitting these places early in the morning is always the best idea as they get crowded very quickly, even Cabanas with its hit and run style buffet. And of course, no matter what kind of buffet, seating is always first come first serve.
On the menu as far as the favorite fried food goes, there were the usual hash brown squares that are barely inedible and did not make the jump to my plate, and the wonderful roasted potatoes that did. I was surprised to them both available. From experience, usually the hash browns come out later in the trip when they've run out of the good potatoes. However, the Disney Dream being so big, they never seemed to run out of the good stuff.

The roasted potatoes are new and red potatoes chopped up into bite-sized chunks, seasoned and baked in a marinade, along with peppers and onions. These are soft and succulent, and along with copious amounts of the magical food called bacon, they are easily the best thing about breakfast on the Disney boat.

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  1. Heironymous4:16 PM

    Hey, I like those hash brown-igans. You should try my almost patented HB-B-HB-wich. On disembarkation (DE) day, I take two of the Hash Brown-igans and wedge bacon strips between them with some maple syrup. The Hash brown-igans are definitely more tasty than the dried out pancakes they still serve on DE day. ;-)

  2. Not for me, Dom, but next time you have a HB-B-HB-wich, take a photo and I'll post it on French Fry Diary.

    Honestly it can't be worse than the deep-fried bacon and fries I featured a month or so back...
