Thursday, September 01, 2011

French Fry Diary 263: Cookie's BBQ, Castaway Cay

I have taken a lot of heat, that as a Disney enthusiast, who is taking his seventh Disney Cruise, has never gotten off the ship on any of the stops or excursions. Most significantly, I've never been to Disney's private island, Castaway Cay. Apparently I'm a pariah for this.

For trip number seven, and day two's lunch, I broke my streak and visited Cookie's BBQ on Castaway Cay. The heat, usually my archenemy when it comes to Florida, was relentless, but in the end my virgin trip onto Disney's private island was worth it. Cookie's BBQ is, just as the name implies, a barbecue place. They serve grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken, salmon, and ribs, and even some tasty garlic bread.

No fries, but they did have potato offerings in the form of German potato salad and Lay's regular and barbecue flavor potato chips. It was good hot food despite the heat of the day, and to cool off they had Coca-Cola products and, for dessert, soft serve ice cream. And our friends, Dom and Cindy and their kids even joined us on the island.

I'm glad I finally made the trek to Castaway Cay, maybe tomorrow I'll go into Nassau. Today's lunch was good though - good food, good company, good times.

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1 comment:

  1. Cindy7:28 PM

    I'm glad we were able to dine there together, too. Although I preferred the restaurants on the ship, where we also enjoyed your company and that of your lovely bride. When are we going together again? Soon, I hope!
