Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jack’s New Fries… Free!

Special press release from the folks at Jack in the Box:

After years of research, months of planning and several hours of trance-based meditation, I've decided to reinvent my French fries. I call them . . . My New French Fries. Felt like it was more important to spend time crafting the fries themselves, not the name. They're crispy, golden, delicious and salted just right for your tasting pleasure.

In honor of this groundbreaking news, I've decided to have a FREE Fryday on Friday, April 16th. All you have to do is walk in and ask for them. No coupons or anything. And just to be clear, everyone gets one free small fry. Like, an order of them. Not just one single fry. That would be silly.


Well, thank you, Jack. Nice hat.

Jack in the Box changing their fries is a bit of a quandary. Their fries have been alternately voted both unhealthiest and most fulfilling drive-thru item.

Jack’s fries previously (or most previously, they’ve had several different styles over the years) were natural cuts or curleys. The new ones appear to be shoestrings. Too bad the nearest Jack in the Box is about 500 miles away or I’d be there for the free fries on Friday too.

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